Health Protocol & Communicable Diseases Policy
The safety of students and staff in and on school property, while school is in session or during school sponsored activities, is a key concern. Occasionally, accidents and minor or major injuries may occur during this time.
- Staff and students who contract serious communicable diseases (HIV, AIDS, and Hepatitis B etc.) are to be treated with dignity and compassion. Confidentiality is of utmost importance.
- The principal and/or assistant principal are encouraged to invite the local Public Health Authority to in-service staff regarding universal precautions used for the control of communicable diseases.
- First aid kits in each school shall be kept fully stocked and shall include items such as non-latex disposable gloves, disinfectant and cleaning supplies that may be used in controlling the spread of a communicable disease.
The following procedures will apply regarding students who have a communicable disease:
- When any school official has been informed about a student's illness, that individual shall notify the Superintendent.
- Dissemination of any information shall be restricted to those who need to know as determined by the Superintendent.
- A student with a communicable disease shall not be excluded from school until the attending physician or medical health officer advises that the exclusion is to the student's psychological and/or physical benefit. Students who lack control of their bodily secretions or who exhibit uncontrollable behavior should be considered for early exclusion.
- Students excluded from the classroom shall have access to alternate educational opportunities.
- Uninfected siblings of students affected with a communicable disease shall not be excluded from school.
- Division personnel who are infected with a communicable disease shall have the right to retain their employment with the Division.
Strict confidentiality of the nature of an employee's illness will be maintained at all times. (Access to this information shall be at the discretion of the employee or the attending physician if he/she deems it necessary that the employer be informed).
- If the employer is made aware of the nature of the employee's illness, a meeting will be held by the principal or assistant principal to ensure an understanding of the situation.
- An employee shall not be excluded from employment until the attending physician advises that the exclusion is to the employee's psychological and/or physical well-being.
- Where the attending physician advises the employee to conclude employment, the employee will commence sick leave under the provisions of the Clear Water Academy group health plan.
- Uninfected relatives of employees with a communicable disease shall have the right to continue employment if they are employed by Clear Water Academy.
- In the event a student or staff member suffering from a communicable disease is removed from the school by Public Health Services, they shall be readmitted to school after medical clearance has been received from a physician or the Public Health nurse.
Universal Precautions
Hand washing:
- Hands and any skin surface contaminated with blood or other body fluids should be washed thoroughly as soon as practicable.
- To wash hands, use plain soap and vigorously rub together all surfaces of lathered hands for at least 10 seconds. Rinse thoroughly under a stream of water. Avoid the use of abrasive soaps and brushes.
Use of protective clothing and equipment:
- Use disposable rubber or latex gloves to handle or clean up blood and body fluids or secretions/ excretions. Household “rubber” gloves can be used but require cleaning with bleach solution and repeated rinsing with water before they can be used again.
- Hands should be washed after gloves are removed.
- Use waterproof coverings on any open cuts or sores.
Clean up of spills of blood and other body fluids:
- Clean contaminated surfaces with detergent and water. Then disinfect surfaces with a solution of one-part household bleach to ten parts water. CAUTION: some surfaces may be damaged by exposure to bleach solution.
- Rinse mops and cleaning rags with one-part bleach to ten parts water.
Laundering of clothing and linen:
- Clothing and linen soiled with blood or other body fluids, secretions or excretions should be laundered in water as hot as the material will allow. If necessary, soiled articles may be rinsed in cold water prior to laundering.
Disposal of contaminated wastes:
- Secure in a sealed double plastic bag before discarding with routine garbage. Sharp objects, such as broken glass that may be contaminated with blood, should be discarded in sturdy puncture proof plastic or metal containers (such as an empty coffee can) with a firmly fitting lid.
- Local fire departments may be able to dispose of contaminated waste, particularly used needles.